1001 Songs Challenge #710: I Am the Resurrection (1989)
On 11 February 2019 I set myself the challenging of reading 1001 Songs You Must Hear Before You Die by Robert Dimery (ed.) and following the book’s advice to the letter. I’ve previously read 1001 Films… and started 1001 Albums… but felt 1001 Songs… would be a sensible place to start for what I have in mind here.
My challenge is to read about one song per day and listen to it (YouTube and Spotify, I need you tonight!) before sharing my own thoughts. Some songs I will love, others I’ll hate, and I’m sure there will be those that leave me perplexed but listen to them I shall.
I’ll also try, and most likely fail, to pinpoint the best song from the 1001 on offer but I’m nothing if not foolhardy. Instead of one song, I’m predicting I’ll have about 100 favourites by the end and may have to resort to a Top 10 so far to maintain any semblance of sanity.
So long as I post everyday (including Christmas) then this challenge should come to an end on Wednesday 8 November 2021. Staying with the Barney Stinson theme I am hoping that the whole experience will prove to be…
The Stone Roses – I Am the Resurrection (1989)
I Am the Resurrection
” I Am the Resurrection” is a song by the Stone Roses and the final song on the UK version of their debut album. The last four minutes of the song is an instrumental outro. The single was released on 30 March 1992, and reached number 33 on the UK Singles Chart.
We’re leaving Spain today, dear reader, returning to the UK and heading back to Manchester where we met the likes of Joy Division in the past. Formed in 1983, The Stone Roses were made up of Ian Brown on vocals, John Squire on guitar, Mani on bass and Reni on drums. They would lay the foundations for groups such as Oasis who followed in the 1990s during the time of Brit Pop. It’s 1989 and The Stone Roses have released their self-titled debut album. 1001 Songs have gone with the track – I Am the Resurrection.
I Am the Resurrection seems concerned not with a love of religion but with a breaking of the bond between mankind and faith. Ian Brown is on vocals and takes us through numerous grievances one individual has with their faith. Elements include faith knocking at the door but this person wants to be alone. They also convey the sense of self-reliance, getting through tough times with their own volition rather than turning to faith and praying for a reprieve. The chorus is a straight up dismissal of the words of faith and even any knowledge of where it might be in that moment.
The Stone Roses gradually gained popularity, rather than enjoyed immediate success, thanks to their live shows. Their debut album is now highly regarded as one of the finest pieces ever recorded. I Am the Resurrection is an excellent choice from the album but I would also have been tempted with I Wanna Be Adored and definitely with the superb Waterfall. The group disbanded in 1996 but reunited in this century for a few years before once again going their separate ways. Their legacy has long since been assured.
Favourite songs so far:
The Animals – House of the Rising Sun (1964)
Simon & Garfunkel – The Sounds of Silence (1965)
The Beatles – A Day in the Life (1967)
Pink Floyd – Wish You Were Here (1975)
Meat Loaf – Bat Out of Hell (1977)
Queen – Don’t Stop Me Now (1978)